
Friday, August 30, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is a day to celebrate workers' rights. All the things our predecessors went through, including being murdered, to give us the workweek and benefits we have now. I could go on and on about how those rights are being eroded.

But the paradigm is starting to change. More and more people, like me, are jumping on the entrepreneurial bandwagon. We feel we have to work harder and faster than everyone else around us to succeed.

And we end up burning ourselves out in the process. The very things our predecessors fought so hard for, we don't take them into consideration. No one is forcing us to work so hard except ourselves.

Especially creatives. We need time to refill the well. More and more of my colleagues are taking one day of the week to themselves. To read. Walk. Play with their children. Spend quality time with their significant others. Watch the stars spin across the sky. To refill that well.

So no matter what you do for a living, take a moment to simply breath this weekend and enjoy being alive.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It's Too Quiet on the Western Front

After all the tricks I learned to tune out the guys in a small apartment, I found it was too quiet yesterday.

Genius Kid left for Army basic training at the beginning of the week. The local school districts started this week as well, which means DH was at the soccer stadium running the time clock for games. I ended up driving over to one of the Tim Horton's in town for some background noise so I could get words in on Resurrected.

I know it's going to be an adjustment period. But I'm already looking at the Ohio dog rescue websites for a furbaby who would be good for apartment living.

After I swore I was not getting another dog after Dax died four years ago.

Goddess, I need help!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Karma's a Bitch

Here's a warning for all of you!!

Hug your mom before you leave. Doesn't matter how old you are or where your going. Otherwise, Karma will delay you in Chicago O'Hare in the middle of a thunderstorm. BWAHAHAHA!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Kicking the Chicks Out to Fly

I'm in the process of trying to polish Ghouls in the Grocery Store and get it out to my formatter by tomorrow. It will be the sixth story I've published this year. I haven't had this kind of publication rate since 2013, and I have to admit it's kind of nice.

The reason for the rush is I probably won't be able to work on it until Tuesday. Editing takes a little more brain power than I have right now.

We're having a family get together Saturday night for Genius Kid. The recruiters are taking him and some other kids to the local MEPS facility on Sunday. And Monday morning, Darling Husband and I are driving to the MEPS facility very early in the morning to watch GK be sworn in (again) before the Army flies him to boot camp.

I'm excited GK's moving on to the next stage in his life. I'm amused after all his complaining that he didn't want to continue his formal education and work a desk job like DH and me that's exactly what Uncle Sam is having him do. I'm a little sad that my baby boy has been replaced by a young man who's ready to tackle the world.

DH and I have been reminiscing about GK's antics from years gone by. Like how every color was purple just to get a rise out of the adults. His wicked giggle when he was licked by the dogs. Talking about battle tactics of famous generals ad nauseam.

When we were doing so last night, GK accused us of trying to pressure him into giving us grandchildren. Not really. Just marveling how someone, or something can change as time flies by.

It's not much different with my stories. Or more especially my series. Bloodlines was supposed to be a single title, not nine novels, two short stories and two novellas. Justice was a one-shot short story in an attempt at getting published in a trad anthology. Six short stories and three novels later, it's going strong. 888-555-HERO was also supposed to be a single title. It turned into a trilogy, and readers are asking for more so they're getting a Christmas story that started as a novella and has quickly turned into a full-sized novel in itself.

You're never sure where people, both real and imaginary, will go in life. All you can do is hang on for the ride.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wait! When was Monday?

Uh, yeah. Kind of forgot to post anything Monday morning.

I'm trying to get Ghouls in the Grocery Store wrapped up and to my formatter before this weekend. We're having a family get-together Saturday before Genius Kid heads out to boot camp.

I probably shouldn't call him Genius Kid anymore. He's a young man making his own decisions in life. I'm so used to being responsible for every little thing. Now, he's headed into the big wide world. All I can do is hope his dad and I gave him the skills he needs to survive the insanity of our planet.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reality Bites Is Out!

What's this? A Thursday post?

Yes, Reality Bites is out! My first Bloodlines story in eighteen months, and Number 3 on the countdown to the end of the series!


Being a regular human in the supernatural world is never easy, something Mai Osaka learned before she could walk. So when her boyfriend’s fairy ex strolls into the casino where Mai is head of security, she knows there’s more to the Seelie’s story than she’s telling. But can Mai figure out the real plan and who’s behind it before the fae pull the biggest heist in the history of Las Vegas?

Amazon, all countries
Barnes & Noble
Google Play

And just a reminder--Ghouls in the Grocery Store and Resurrected are already on preorder!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The August Doldrums

I get perverse amusement out of indie writers who panic during the month of August. Which is to say, most of them. And it happens every fricking year.

Why? Let me give you a hint--the high school teacher's parking lot was nearly full as I drove past this morning on the way to a doctor's appointment.

For my romances, I literally see sales stop the first week of school in the U.S. Fantasy slows way down, too, to barely a blip on my dashboards. Because my readers are dealing with changes in their children's schedules (which the little buggers hate) and changes to their own schedules (which the moms are dealing with in addition to the tots' temper tantrums and the "I can't find my brand new shoes!"). They barely have a breath left to keep from falling asleep face first in their dinner, much less read.

"But not all readers have school-age children!" you cry.

True, but a lot of my baby boomer readers are watching their grandchildren. Those still working themselves have to deal with the extra traffic in the mornings and evenings. And at the end of the day, they don't have the energy to read either. Or they want to enjoy that last little bit of sunshine and warmth before the cold arrives in earnest.

"But, but what if sales never pick up again?!"

Sales will pick up again, just like they always do. After trad publishers stop dumping their holiday offerings into the market, and everyone is finished with their holiday shopping. When the readers finally have time to breathe after the New Hallowthanksmas shenanigans are done.

In the meantime, why aren't you writing so you have a book to put out when everyone starts spending their gift cards in January?

Monday, August 12, 2019

A Brand New Week, A Brand New House?

We've been randomly looking at houses this year. Kind of, sort of resuming our house hunt after my cancer put a crimp in our plans over a year ago. Since we both work from home, we need space for offices, but we're trying to be real about our ages since I already had arthritis in my  knees.

However, I put a bug in DH's ear about maybe looking for a condo. Someplace where someone else dealt with the mowing and the snow.

Good idea, right? Except the very first condo we looked at, the one that said the master bedroom was on the main floor, had five freaking levels! And the description left out the part where the kitchen was on the top floor.

In all fairness, the place had an elevator. A teeny, tiny elevator. An elevator we could never get a wheelchair on.

So the search has gone on. The last one we looked at insinuated that it overlooked the water.

What water you ask? Nearly thirty years ago, someone decided to fill the old quarry at the edge of town with water and build condos and offices around it.

Needless to say, the condo was NOT on the quarry side of the subdivision. You could see the water if you walked to the very end of the drive. Nor was the condo something we thought we could live with. The front door opened into the dining room. The carpet needed to be replaced, etc. So, we passed.

As we were leaving, I idly wondered what appeared to be two-story condos that did face the water looked like on the inside. DH laughed and said, "Stairs!" That was back in June.

Last week, we received our notice that our lease expires in two months. So, assuming our hunt was on hold once again, I told our complex assistant manager we would be here another year.

Yesterday, DH's Zillow alert went off. Guess what just came on the market? Literally, one of the two-story condos across the drive from the last place we looked at. He texted our realtor, and now we're looking at it tonight.

But if the freaking kitchen is on the top floor, I'm heading straight back to the car.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Saving Readers from Bad Books... probably the DUMBEST thing you can waste your time doing. Why? Because "bad" is such a subjective measure.

I know I say don't look at your reviews. What I looked at were the reviews given by a particular person who gave Zombie Confidential a one-star on Goodreads. And I laughed my ass off.

This person has weird criteria. If it's epic fantasy the book gets a five-star. If it's a classic, e.g. Pride and Prejudice or The Three Muskateers, it gets a two-star. If it has paranormal elements, especially vampires, they give the book a one-star.

Does this person have the right to their opinion? Sure!

However, there was no analysis. No foundation to this person's opinion. People who have given a written discourse while rating books in a similar pattern claim they are trying to save readers from what they deem to be "bad" books. If it's not what they love, then it has to suck.

But you can't make everyone love what you love. And someone isn't an idiot for loving something you don't.

I simply think it's sad people are wasting their finite time on this planet reading stuff they don't like.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Back to School

Nope, not GK. Me.

It's been a while since I've taken any formal classes regarding writing craft. As in years, which is a little sloppy of me since I really do believe in continuing education no matter what your career is.

Anyway, Dean Wesley Smith suggested I take his Depth in Writing online class before attending the Anthology Workshop in February. Not only has it been a while since I've taken a class, it's been even longer since I had homework.

So of course, the old performance anxiety reared its head because the class starts today. Last night's sleep was riddled with the nightmares where it's finals week and I haven't even cracked open the book. Or I forgot to drop a class and it's too late, so now I'm going to get an "F" because I haven't attended the class all semester.

Sometimes, my Subconscious can be a total bitch!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Reality Bites Preorder!

Yes, Reality Bites is on preorder at all the major e-book retailers and will be available in less than two weeks!

REALITY BITES - Coming August 15!

Being a regular human in the supernatural world is never easy, something Mai Osaka learned before she could walk. So when her boyfriend’s fairy ex strolls into the casino where Mai is head of security, she knows there’s more to the Seelie’s story than she’s telling. But can Mai figure out the real plan and who’s behind it before the fae pull the biggest heist in the history of Las Vegas?

Amazon, all countries
Barnes & Noble
Google Play

I find myself a little sad as we draw to the close of the Bloodlines saga. These books were the first decent things I wrote, and I'm going to miss the characters.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

I Love the '80's

Showing my age, but I don't care!

Friday, August 2, 2019

The Friday That Got Away

I spend Friday mornings every other week to get caught up on our household and business paperwork. I had a lot more to do than the typical three hours thanks to my visits to various doctors.

Yesterday was spent getting things ready for the release of Reality Bites. Despite getting much accomplished over the last two days, none of it was writing.

As DH and I were walking last night, I complained about needing an assistant and not being able to afford one yet. Trying to be helpful, he offered to do things for me in the evenings after he was done with the day job.

Oh, boy.

I tried to tell him, as gently as I could, this was NOT a good idea. He already thinks I'm anal when it comes to household stuff. I couldn't handle him not taking my business seriously while working for me. Or with me as Dr. Raj Koothrappali would say.

Too many writers I know have run into problems when their spouse works "with" them. Their marriage especially suffered.

DH and I have worked too hard the last twenty-five years to throw away everything by working together. My marriage is too important to me.

It doesn't mean my writing is not important. But life is all about juggling priorities. But I don't want to juggle my marriage within my career.