
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

And Then There Were Paperbacks

On Sunday, October 11, I started uploading the new versions of Blood Magick to the various online retailers, and yes, this includes the brand spanking new trade paperback version.

Nothing's been changed on the pages except typo clean up. The big difference as you can see is the lovely new covers for the Bloodlines series by the lovely Elaina at For the Muse Designs.

(TM) Angry Sheep Publishing
Also, Angry Sheep Publishing's logo is on the spine of the trade paperback version. That pissed little sheep makes the enterprise feel business-like.



The whole thing is incredibly scary and absolutely thrilling all at once.

I'm taking my time on this, uploading a new book every two weeks. This gives me plenty of time to make sure things are right and in the places they are supposed to be.

I've taken a good, hard look from a business viewpoint, which means investing resources in this company and raising prices. And I think it will all be worth it.