
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It's NaNoWriMo Time!

National Novel Writing Month starts today!

I'd hoped to have A Modicum of Truth done by now. Not to mention, reviewed the previous 888-555-HERO novel, write the last two chapters of it, and put together a series bible. All of this in preparation for hitting the ground running this morning.

And as you read this, I'm probably still crashed on my recliner with this nasty little cold, alternating between green tea, cough syrup, and water.

Can I catch up? Of course, I can!

Once the room stops spinning from the severe sinus pressure. Otherwise, I'll be veging for another day or two.

To everyone else starting NaNo on time, break a leg!


  1. Woot! I'm looking forward to both those books. :)

    I've started NaNo and am doing well, a bit ahead of schedule, yay.

    Feel better! {{{}}}


  2. GO, ANGIE!

    As of this moment, I'm only two days behind on NaNo, which isn't had considering how sick I've been the last week. Hell, I'm impressed I managed a shower today. LOL

  3. Hey, if you've been feeling sick, that's totally a victory. [wry smile] And yeah, better to be behind now when there's plenty of time to catch up than later when you'd have to double up or whatever. {{}}

