
Monday, July 9, 2018

Monday Movie Mania - The Incredibles 2

After fourteen years, we finally have the sequel to what I think is the best Pixar movie next to Up! And the theater staff didn't give us the wrong  tickets this time!

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1) I2 focuses on Helen Parr/Elastigirl (much to the excitement of the little girl sitting in front of us at the theater). But it's not just about the superheroics. It's about the jobs a parent will take when their kids are homeless.

2) On the other hand, Bob/Mr. Incredible deals with the issues of the role of men in our culture. At first, he's angry and hurt that his wife is tapped to be the PR example for the possible return of the supers. But he finds his parenting skills as the stay-at-home dad without losing his identity of what it means to be a man.

3) Like the original, the sequel emphasizes the qualities of family and working together.

4) The subtle dig at the need for representation. Void's fangirling of Elastigirl onscreen mirrored the young movie girl sitting in front of me. We all need to see someone like us, someone who shows us how to be our best selves.

5) Edna's bounding with Jack-Jack was too freakin' adorable.

1) Not enough Edna!

The Incredibles 2 lived up to its original and expanded on its themes. Overall, I give it 10 stars out of 10.

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