
Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Movie Mania - The Meg

After the incredibly stressful spring and summer I've had, I really, truly needed a paint-by-the-numbers, fun Saturday matinee movie, and The Meg delivered.

Even though this movie was just released, there's not a lot of surprises, so I'm not giving my usual SPOILERS warning.

You're going to know who dies and who lives. There's plenty of Jason half-naked beefcake scenes. There's the adorable kid who believes in our hero. Not a whole lot of smoochies between our hero and his co-star because this is a Chinese coproduction, but lots of megalodon-related jump scares.

And of course, our hero saves the adorable Yorkie swimming for her life in the trailers from the giant shark.

Like I said, just a damn fun popcorn movie.

Overall, I give The Meg 10 stars out of 10 for not pretending to be anything thing other than a damn enjoyable B movie.

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