I can hear you now--"But-but Suzan! Aquaman isn't out until this Friday!"
Well, (a) you're right in that Aquaman isn't in WIDE release in the U.S. until Friday, and (b) no, I didn't illegally download it from a pirate site, nor did I go to China for their early release.
Warner Brothers teamed up with Amazon, Atom, and various theaters for a special preview at 7:00 p.m. on December 15th. And I couldn't wait to see Jason Momoa rocking his superhero shtick again. Because, let's face it, he makes Aquaman cool!
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1) The ultimate in casting choice (besides Jason) was Temuera Morrison as Thomas Curry, Aquaman's dad, though the rest of the choices were excellent. Seriously, Jango Fett as Dad is fucking awesome!
2) The Aquaman in-jokes, including, yes, Arthur riding a giant seahorse. (Trust me, it was way more awesome then it sounds.)
3) The King Arthur in-jokes. (Yes, the one from Camelot.)
4) The fact the writers stuck with the Silver Age characters and backstories (the ones I grew up reading) with only some slight alterations.
5) The same mix of adventure, quest, and romance as Wonder Woman without the negativity and angst of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, et al.
1) The score left something to be desired, as in it was totally unmemorable. While specific themes have been developed and repeatedly used for the Trinity, once again, Aquaman got screwed.
I had a blast and I want to see it again. Overall, Aquaman earned its 10 out of 10 stars.
Friend to the fishes and gets all the ... fishes...
ReplyDeleteOh, Jo...*smh*