
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Plague Upon Your House

And we have the plague in spades here at Casa Harden. DH started showing signs Sunday night of the same crap I came down with a week ago. By Tuesday morning, GK was sniffling. This cold actually encouraged DH to call in sick for the first time in years. It's a little hard to talk on the phone when you can't breathe.

I'm feeling a bit better, but the household chores rest with me now that the guys are down. So I find myself doing things in small increments because I still exhaust easily at this stage.

Still plugging away on the new releases though rather slowly. Luckily, most of the work can be handled from a reclining position.

In the meantime, take care of yourselves. There's a strain of the flu making the rounds that isn't covered by your flu shot. You know it's bad when any Ohio school shuts down because so many students and teachers are out sick. Last thing I need is the damn flu on top of this cold!

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