
Monday, September 21, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 194 - Moving again

6.8+ million cases. 202+ thousand dead. Those are the REPORTED numbers in the United States alone.
I say reported because some governors (looking at you Florida Governor Ron DeSantis) and White House representatives are doing their damnedest to hide just how bad things are. Most citizens are doing what they can to slow the spread. But between those who STILL claim the disease is a hoax and the lack of a cure or a vaccine, more people will get sick.
More people will die.
And yet, the earth spins on.
A weekend ago Sunday, DH got an alert on a house for sale. Last month, we'd pretty much given up looking. We hadn't found anything that worked for us considering we both, well, work from home.
Like I've told several friends, arthritis is starting to become an issue. I'm going to have to switch to dictation sooner rather than later. I can't be dictating a sex scene while DH is on the phone with a client, walking them through journal entries. So, we need offices on opposite sides of the house, or sufficiently distant our devices can't pick up the other one.
But yeah, we'd given up last month, renewed our apartment lease, and planned to save up to build exactly what we needed. And this house pops up, so DH said hey take a look at this while we were watching the Steelers game.
I looked, not expecting a whole lot. But damn. This one could work. I mean, the only thing I could nit-pick on was the white stove in a refinished kitchen with hickory cabinets, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. So, we made an appointment to see the house on Wednesday. I was absolutely sure there would be something wrong.
The only thing I could bitch about, besides the white flattop range, was the puke yellow paint in the master bathroom. An easy fix. But most importantly, it has rooms on the opposite sides of the house for our offices. Heck, DH and I can't even see each other when we go to the kitchen for drinks or head to the bathroom.
We got the financing pre-approval arranged on Thursday and Friday and put in the offer on Saturday. Six hours later, we had settled on terms. I swear that was the fastest negotiation on real property I've ever been involved in.
So yeah, we're moving again. In the middle of a pandemic. GO TEAM HARDEN!

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