
Monday, September 28, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 201 - What the Hell Was I Thinking!

 7.2+ million infected and 208+ thousand dead are the known numbers in the U.S.

These numbers are staggering. And yet, we pretend life goes on.

Case in point, DH and I are in the process of buying a house.

Back in July, we kind of given up on looking between the buyer's market and finding something that would work for us. Our primary criteria is having home offices on opposite sides of the house. When you both work from home, it can get disruptive. Especially in an apartment where I'm stuck working in the living/dining room and DH has to go through it to get a soda refill in the kitchen.

(Before anyone suggests it, yes, we do have a mini-fridge. No, we don't have any space in the apartment to put it.)

So,with all the pandemic crap, we resigned ourselves to living another year at the apartment and saving our money to build the type of house we need.

And then this house just kind of dropped in our laps. DH got the notice two weeks ago. Listing indicated this place met most of our criteria. We looked at it two days later with a super-critical eye. Man, this could actually work for us.

We called the bank to renew our pre-approval. We put in a bid, and six hours later, we had an agreement. Technically, it took that long because our realtor had a ton of stuff lined up, and it was a Saturday.

Now, I have to pack the apartment and make arrangements for various maintenance things once we have possession. Frankly, having a bunch of strangers in and out of the house worries me.

Okay, it worries me a lot.

But my new office will be the Florida room. All kinds of natural light and a space that's all mine. And we're only going across town, not 1200 miles across the country.

I hope it's worth the risk.

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