
Monday, December 7, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 272

As I type this on Monday morning, most of last week's snow is gone except for a few splotches here and there. Official infections in the U.S. have reached 14,879,831 and official deaths have reached 285,564.

Why do I keep track of this stuff? Because in twenty years, I want to be able to look back at everything and say, "We survived."
In the meantime, life plugs on. We're in the new house. I've got a space heater for my office, but I'm still in my recliner. Partly because my body is still recovering from the stress and physical exertion, and partly because Bella is used to napping in my lap as I work.

The moving stuff got in the way of several projects I was in the middle of, including the stories for the Bloodlines Shorts Anthology, so the next few days will be me playing catch-up between unpacking a couple of boxes.

You know how it is with a move. No matter how carefully you pack and label, things get lost in the process.

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