
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A New Hope

Yep, I used that title deliberately. And like the movie subtitle from which it's drawn, it means one step has been taken, but we still have a long way to go.

Two weeks ago, I fielded calls and messages from friends and family in the D.C. Metro Area. All of them have kids. All of them were terrified. I offered safe haven at our house if they decided to bug out, and for a time I thought I would need to call DH's family for additional beds. In the end, everyone decided to stay put for the night, waiting to see if the situation spread from the Mall to the rest of the city.

It's been a difficult first three weeks to the new year. The tension has eased a bit with the lack of violence today, but my shoulders are still sore.

But it snowed last night, and a fresh blanket of white is a new tapestry to the day. The pup and I are curled up on my recliner, and I'm ready to put fresh words on the screen.

Peace be with you all!

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