
Friday, January 29, 2021

Dealing with the Crazies

The first month of the new year isn't over yet, and the country is dealing with a pandemic, an attempted coup, ongoing social injustice, and an economic collapse. That's only the beginning.

 I won't even get into what a group of Redditors did to Wall Street hedge funds this week. Which personally, I find hysterically funny that a group of nobodies played the stock market better than the brokers.

However, there's a lot of fear in the air because of the chaos. I'm a writer and publisher, so I see a lot of it in the my industry, even thought the fear exists in all fronts. Remember Yoda's line from The Phantom Menace? "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

What Yoda left out is how the three emotions can also drive people crazy. You see it in people's refusal to wear masks even though they've been proven to save lives. You see it in the people who attacked the U,S, Capitol because one man suggested they march down to Congress and show the senators and representatives how they feel. Oh, and let's kill some cops while we're at it. You see it in Wall Street bitching because day traders manipulated the stock the same way Wall Street did to the tune of $3B a la Trading Places.

So yeah. The Crazies. Being cooped up in our houses for the last year hasn't helped any.

What am I doing? I'm living in other worlds at the moment. The Justice Universe in particular. I may not be able to do anything here, but Anthea...

Nevermind. This is the book where she goes crazy, too.

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