
Friday, February 26, 2021


I've been quiet the last week in order to finish A Virtue of Child. However that doesn't mean things aren't happening in the publishing world.

I talked about Audible and their atrocious return policy last month. The return policy that essentially turned Audible into a subscription service.

Writers and publishers were steamed. Steamed to the point that The Authors Guild, which is primarily trad publishing folks, and the Alliance of Independent Authors, which is primarily indie folks as the name says, teamed up to tackle the issue.

Now, there's, a clearing house website that collects info about Audible's shitty practices. It promotes awareness to those who have been screwed over by Audible and a warning to those who haven't been yet. The website is run by two talented, brave women, Colleen Cross and Susan May. Check out the website. If you're having an issue with Audible and your royalties, contact them. Otherwise, I hope you'll support their campaign for author justice.

Side Note: If you're an author who's been screwed over by Audible, contact your state attorney general's office and file a complaint. Also, contact your state and federal legislators. Audible's serial disregard for their own contracts will be of interest to investigators looking into Amazon's overall business practices.

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