
Monday, February 15, 2021

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 342 - Winter Storm Warnings

The winter holiday viral surge is finally slowing down, vaccines are being delivered and administered, but the stats are still atrocious. 27,914,244 known cases in the U.S. and 490,076 known dead from COVID-19.

Winter Storm Uri passed through in the wee hours of the morning, and Winter Storm Viola inches up on us. The flurries of an hour ago have given way to a steady snowfall.

The march of winter storms since the beginning of February are slowing down shipping of the vaccines across the country. All's not lost. The snow is also keeping people home.

I was hoping Ohio would be in Phase 4 for vaccine distribution by March, which is when I'd be eligible, but it doesn't look like it'll happen until May. Therefore, I'll continue the mask wearing, the social distancing, and the staying home for the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, I have a novel to finish with a warm puppy in my lap and snow quietly falling outside my window.

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