
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mid-Winter Wonder

The temps finally dropped, and we got snow. This was the scene DH shot outside a family room window of the new house Monday afternoon.

Jane Doe isn't the first white-tail we've seen in the backyard. DH and Bella surprised two other deer during a midnight constitutional two weeks ago. And there were two sets of deer tracks after last night's fresh inch of powder when I took Bella out for her morning constitutional yesterday.

Most days, I have Ebony, Jett, Rusty, and Gaga to keep me entertained. The squirrels' latest hijinks involve drift diving in the snow banked against our shed. But they're too fast for me to capture on camera.

I'd like to blame the critters for having to delay the latest release for two weeks, but alas, it is all human problems. Instead, the animals give me a little joy in order to keep writing.

As long as the damn squirrels stay outside of my house.

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