
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Haircuts and Paperbacks

I seriously overslept on Monday, so I didn't get much done. Yesterday, I was up at 7:30 to take Bella to her appointment to have her hair and nails done. You'd think I would have gotten more done.

But no, I was making phone calls, answering texts, and sending e-mail. The family grapevine was working overtime now that Genius Kid and Significant Other are officially producing Adorable Spawn in July. Maybe.

S.O.'s doctors keep changing the due date because of A.S.'s size. He's going to be a big boy according to the ultrasound.


In preparation, everyone at Casa Harden is getting haircuts. Because we know how babies like grabbing things. Things like hair and fur and dangling earrings.

I'm the only one that has to worry about that last one. However, DH's haircut from last Thursday was so radical it caused commentary among the young gentlemen sacking our groceries. Bella looks like an entirely different dog after yesterday's grooming (see photos for comparison).


And today, I'll be heading in to the salon to whack off a few inches. Then with DH's help, I'll turn into a little old blue-haired granny. Specifically, Midnight Indigo from Splat.

DH suggested we be called Gramps and Grams. I kind of like that. "Grams" is what the Halliwell sisters on Charmed called their grandmother.

But in the meantime, I've got a lot of writing to write and paperbacks to publish before Adorable Spawn makes his debut.



  1. There's a new dog under there!

  2. IKR? But I think I had her trimmed too early. She was so cold last night she crawled under the covers with me.
