
Friday, March 5, 2021

Taxes Are Kicking My Ass

Or writers.

I haven't gotten much writing done this week. Despite my best efforts, there's missing receipts, missing records, and incorrect entries in my accounting software. Not regarding Angry Sheep Publishing though. No, it's always the fucking medical shit.

I miss the years when I only went to the dentist twice and the gynecologist once. All I took was birth control pills because I was NOT getting pregnant in the middle of law school.

Luckily, I only need to write a couple of short stories for my next release. However, I'm overstocked in covers, and I want to write the new stuff now, but I have to finish the tax stuff first, and I still need to write the next HERO book, and I need to finish unpacking because we've been in the new house for four months, and it still looks like a bomb went off in here, and spring's coming, and I need to do yard work because there's a ton of dead branches and deer poo, and Bella wants to roll in the damn deer poo, and--

Yeah, taxes make me a bit crazy.

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