
Friday, March 12, 2021

Vaccine Party!

I was on the phone starting at 8 a.m. yesterday morning with the county health office. It took about twenty minutes to get through, but DH and I have appointments for our first shots on Saturday!

It's important because our first grandchild is on the way. Yep, Genius Kid and Significant Other are expecting. And there is a certain delicious symmetry in that an Army brat baby will make his appearance around the Fourth of July.

The stimulus package will also help with the purchasing of important infant safety and waste disposal equipment.

And my whining about getting a haircut on Wednesday? Well, it is a necessity. I've been around babies. Long hair, dangly earrings, and newborns do not mix. Also, I need to dye my hair because I'm going to be the geek grandma.

The appointments took such a load off my mind that I wrote more yesterday than I did the entire rest of the week. I guess I needed that little glimpse light in the darkness.

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