
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Assumptions and the Face Mask

Yesterday, Governor DeWine of Ohio loosened mask restrictions based on last week's new CDC guidelines.

Yesterday was also the extended tax deadline. However, I was still wearing my face mask inside the post office. Why was I there? We can't electronically file the city tax return, and I like having the postmarked receipt. (Thank goodness, we moved outside the city limits, so I don't have to deal with it next year.)

Anyway, the woman in line in front of me glanced, then apologized for not wearing her facemask. I told her it was all right because the governor had lifted a lot of the restrictions, but I can't take chances since I have cancer.

Which unfortunately, I'm still considered an active case until I hit the five-year mark.

Two rednecks were standing in front of her, who took a little too much interest in our conversation. I could see them tense up, ready to jump on me if I gave the lady any crap.

The lady and I talked as the line slowly scooted forward. She didn't blame me for sticking to the extra precaution. Her own husband was in remission.

And the two rednecks got stunned expressions on their faces. It had obviously never occurred to them that masks weren't all about their FREEDOMS! Some of us have a damn good reason for taking precautions. Some of us are going to stick with our precautions because we want to live. For some of us, wearing a mask has not a Selket-damned thing to do with politics.

Or in my case, my face masks have nothing to do with COVID-19 anymore. I like the fact that I've made it eighteen months without getting sick. I already had autoimmune issues before the cancer. And I'm going to keep wearing them because I got a bunch that match my Wonder Woman t-shirts.

Besides, June is Pride Month, and my rainbow and other pro-LGBT masks will do a much better job of pissing off the local idiots.

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