
Friday, May 21, 2021

No! It Can't Be Friday Yet!

Seriously. I need some more time in the week. Or I need to move to Mars for an extra couple of hours in the day.

On the plus side, I've got the Bloodlines: The First Boxed Set paperback almost ready to be published. Just waiting on the cover, which will be done on Monday.

If you'd like the ebook version, it's on sale for $0.99 at all the mahor retailers.

I manually loaded a bunch of ebooks onto Apple, after driving myself crazy learning the system. I view it a necessary evil. If I end up hiring an assistant (or DH does the job, as he has suggested int the past), I need to be able to explain things to them.

I've been working on the revisions for the Millersburg Magick Mysteries in between other editing projects.

However, I've barely gotten through half my to-do list for the week. All I can do is try to get as much done before Adorable Spawn arrives this summer.

Or it could be Adorable Spawns. There's a possibility Significant Other might be having twins. She and Genius Kid called this week in a bit of a panic. As we told them, the grandparents will be there to help no matter what might happen.

On top of everything, Darling Husband found out his position was being eliminated. It has been a fear for a lot of people thanks to the ravages of COVID-19 on our economy as well as our health. The good thing is his employer doesn't want to lose him. They're exploring options, and it makes DH feel appreciated.

So if you know me personally, this is why I've been crazy or not in touch with you lately. I'll catch up next week. I promise.

I just need to play Counselor Troi this week.

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