
Friday, June 11, 2021

Early, Early, Early

There's just so much going on in my life right now. We're fairly certain Significant Other's due date was calculated incorrectly, so Adorable Spawn may be making his appearance any day now. If he comes early, DH has already stated he'll load me on a plane, and then drive out to Texas.

(DH no longer does planes. For our honeymoon to Hawaii, he popped a sleeping pill, washed it down with the complimentary champagne, and was out for the entire six-hour trip. The flight attendant was a little worried about him, but I said, "Trust me, you don't want him awake while we're still in the air.")

So the projects I wanted to get done before spending time with the new grandbaby have taken on a new urgency. My morning projects are getting  the paperbacks formatted for all the latest three Justice books completed. In the afternoon, I work on A Hand of Father. After dinner, I write Pestilence in Pumpkin Spice. Then after DH goes to bed, I've been reading Loren L. Coleman's Crowdfunding Your Fiction and studying some ongoing fiction Kickstarters. And in between all of that, I'm rewriting Spells and Sleuths.

I've found several pirate sites that have the old versions of the Millersburg Magick Mysteries. All I can do is shake my head. The first half of Spells and Sleuths was salvageable because it was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The rest? Well, they definitely show signs of my low-grade depression through May of 2020.

I feel much better now.

Onward. There's many words to add to my works-in-progress

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