
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

When Your Body Just Says "Nope!"

DH and I have been on a fricking roller coaster for nearly two months now. Our first grandchild was born (YAY!), but we came home to six feet of water in the basement of our new house. We've been dealing with insurance, plumbers, electricians, HVAC people, etc. while working full-time.

And today, my body said, "Fuck this shit!"

I was up at 7:30 am like I have been nearly every day for the past week and a half (any friends reading this will be laughing their asses off because they KNOW I'm NOT a morning person) because the repair/placement folks start early. Today, I didn't have a choice. DH was headed to a medical appointment, and the HVAC folks were finishing the furnace installation.

My sole job was to keep the princess pup out of the way until DH got home. I fell asleep reading, which is something I never do, despite all the banging downstairs and the cherry limeade can of Reign I'd had for breakfast in an effort to stay awake. Luckily, Bella slept with me and didn't try to go downstairs to supervise the crew. The HVAC guys were done by 10 am because the thermostat they'd ordered hadn't arrived, and that's the very last thing they need to do.

Once they left, I was still exhausted. I crawled into bed, thinking I'd nap for an hour or two.

Six hours later, a rather loud crash of thunder woke me. So I got some lunch and started going through e-mails.

And I'm still tired. I don't think I'll have any problems falling asleep tonight.

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