
Friday, September 10, 2021

Catching Up

Last night, I updated links on on my master sheets and one of my websites while DH watched TV, and I chatted with a writer friend online while she also did managerial tasks.

With the Delta variant of COVID-19 surge, I don't dare go places I don't have to. So I have to resort to phone calls, texts, e-mails, and various social medias to keep in touch with friends.

The need to distance is chafing my psyche, even for someone as introverted as me.

We bought a house with a guest room, added some awesome furniture, and yet none of our friends have been able to visit.

Heck, I haven't even had a chance (or the bravery) to shop for patio furniture and a barbeque grill. I only wave to the neighbors. And it looks like I'll need to figure out how to incorporate medical masks with my Halloween costume.

Maybe Psycho Surgeon?

Anyway, for those of you who don't like shopping Amazon, I've been uploading the files on the other e-book retailers as I get them from my formatter. In regards to the paperbacks, I'm uploading files, but Ingramspark is also behind due to employees out with COVID-19. So far, only one book out of five loaded have made it through the gauntlet.

In the meantime, I'm trying to finish A Very Hero Wedding in between file reviews. And I'm really hoping to have a very special announcement soon!

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