
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Closing in on the New Year

The Celtic New Year that is.  I follow the Celtic calendar for a myriad of creative and personal reasons, and the Gregorian calendar for tax reasons.

Halloween is a nice cutting off point for me creatively. I try to have all my projects for the secular year finished at this point, and it gives me a little breathing space to focus on my prime project(s) for Kindlemas.

For those who don't know, Kindlemas is the indie term for December 26th through the end of February. Folks who have a Kindle or received one for their winter holiday gift go on a book buying spree. That period is the indie equivalent for the Black Friday through Christmas sales for brick and mortar retail stores.

I came up with a good holiday story idea for one of the side characters in the 888-555-Hero universe. It'll be a novella, so I should be able to finish it before Halloween.

But next year? I'm taking off September, October, and November. With the chaos, both good and bad, in our lives, I would like to kick back the week of my birthday and catch up on reading and watching TV and movies that I've missed out on during the pandemic.

Really, I need some decompression time. Something I haven't had since my two-week trip to Las Vegas in February of 2020.

I hope all of you can find their measure of peace in the upcomimg holiday season!

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