
Monday, December 13, 2021

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 643 - Trying Not to Live in Fear

Known COVID-19 cases in the U.S. - 49,881,563
Known COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. - 796,764

Someone I know was diagnosed over the weekend with COVID-19. They've had their two vaccines and a booster, so right now, we're all keeping our fingers crossed because they're an octogenarian and have some preexisting health issues.

On the other hand, I made a second public appearance at an author event since the pandemic started.

DH and I attended the Writer's Block Author Fair on Saturday at Franklin Park Mall in Toledo. On one hand, it was nice to get out of the house and talk to people. It was also a lesson on how far from "normal" we still are.

The mall was not as packed as it would have been pre-COVID, and I say this as someone who worked holiday retail during some major dips in the economy. For the second to last full weekend of the Christmas shopping season, it was a very light crowd. That's not to say people weren't shopping. But the majority seemed to be focused on getting into the mall, getting what they needed, and getting out.

The number of people wearing masks was roughly fifty percent. There were only two men who avoided those authors who were masked, and they both were wearing their attitude chips on their shoulder. I was rather glad DH came with me because these are the type of idiots who like punching down.

My books got quite a few looks, but I only sold one. Yep, that's right. One. I'm just not a salesperson when it comes to my own products. There's a part of me that still avoids attention for my own accomplishments because I was often punished for it when I was a child. You'd think after five decades I'd learn to toot my own horn.

But I didn't feel so bad in the post-event discussion with other authors. Only the children's book writers were making any traction because most of the adults were focusing on purchases for the kids in their lives.

I don't blame people. Everyone's not spending much for Christmas, DH and I included. We're all waiting to see which way the economy jumps next year.

But in the meantime, I'll continue writing because it's a lot better than staring out the window and fretting about the future.

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