
Friday, December 24, 2021

The Missing Writer

Hello, my loyal readers!

I know I haven't made an appearance in a while. Peri-menopause has been doing a number on my sleep cycle. To the point, I was going to bed when DH was waking up. In turn, the sleep issues have screwed up my blood sugars. So, I've pushed back bedtime over the last week until I slept for the last eighteen hours straight and woke up at a normal morning time today.

It doesn't mean I haven't been writing. I've been typing at a furious pace during my waking hours. I've been setting up things for my January Kickstarter to launch the Soccer Moms of the Apocalypse series. And finally, I've been working on the last edits to get the last few novels' paperbacks out.

However, I'm taking today off and watching the Doctor Who marathon on BBCAmerica. Later this evening, I'll make chicken phyllo, and we'll curl up and watch It's a Wonderful Life. That's our Christmas tradition. However, it's the first Christmas Eve where it's just me, DH, and the pet(s) we've had in twenty-two years.

Take care everyone! I hope you have a peaceful weekend.

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