
Friday, January 7, 2022

Believe in Yourself

Writers as a whole are an odd lot.

Where other artists constantly practice their chosen form, writers expect themselves to be perfect on the first try.

Where other artists learn the skills and tricks of their trade, writers refuse to even do a quick google on what point-of-view is.

Where other artists spend months and years learning their chosen form of expression, writers expect instant success.

But the one thing other artists do that writers fail to do time and time again? They believe in themselves. 

They enjoy their art for the sake of their art. They don't care what everyone else thinks. They perform or paint or sculpt because they enjoy it. They want to improve. They want to excel out sheer joy.

If you don't enjoy writing, if you're trying to earn someone's approval, or if you think writing a novel will bring you instant fame, then you're writing for all the wrong reasons.

But most of all believe in yourself and write your stories for you.

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