
Monday, January 31, 2022

Coronavirus Pandemic Day 692 (I Think) - Snow, Omicron, and Mondays

Number of known cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. - 74,328,530
Number of known deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. - 883,370

Welp, we're rolling into the third year of the pandemic scourge. I started counting because I wanted to compare COVID-19 to the Spanish Influenza epidemic a century ago. People resisted the use of masks and ignored health officials' requests for social distancing back then, too. But with today's high speed traveling, COVID-19 is mutating and spreading even faster than the flu.

Despite what others think, I may continue wearing a mask and social distance while in public for the rest of my life. With my screwed-up immune system, those have kept me from getting colds, etc., for the last two years.

Our area of Ohio was still dealing with a Delta outbreak when Omicron came charging in. Being vaxxed and boosted doesn't stop the latest variant, but it does reduce the severity of the symptoms for my friends who caught it.

Ironically, it's a beautiful, sunny Monday. The squirrels are playing in the melting snow. Snow that will either be replenished by another foot of the stuff this week or totally melted by rain. The weather people aren't sure yet. Our area sits at the cusp, and it depends on which was the jet stream shifts over the next two days.

In the meantime, I have writing and taxes wot work on. Stay warm and stay safe, folks!

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