
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone Is a Good Thing!

That Kickstarter campaign for the Soccer Moms of the Apocalypse series was me stepping outside of my comfort zone to try a new avenue for getting my stories out to the public.

Honestly, all I wanted was to make enough to pay my cover artist, my formatter, and my editor for helping me get me get the four books out this year.

And then everything blew up last Friday with Brandon Sanderson promoting a bunch of campaigns, including mine. Because of that attention, Kickstarter has blessed me with the "Projects We Love" label.

Once again, I find myself outside of my comfort zone. In a good way though. I'm jumping into audiobooks now rather than 2024 (which was the original date on my business plan). Darling Husband and I were considering driving out to see Genius Kid and Adorable Spawn this fall. If we do go, I'll be in the back seat, typing away on the extra projects.

It's not a question of getting everything done. I'm nervous that all these new people won't like my stuff. Yes, we writers are an anxiety-prone lot, and I am no exception.

Everything is thrilling and scary and glorious at the same time. I'm just hoping I and my work live up to expectations.

(She says while in the middle of a scene where the twelve-year-olds are trying to gross each other out.)

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