
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Awesome News!

The news is awesome on two fronts!

First, Apocalypse? Not Now! and Pestilence in Pumpkin Spice are going through their final tweaks with my formatter. I swear it doesn't matter how many eyes I have on a manuscript. Invariably, I will find a typo or five when I go through the e-book and print files. So, Jaye is slipping the final corrections in, and the Kickstarter backers will have their e-book copies before the end of the month.

Second, our plumber had a cancellation and will be at the house tomorrow! For those who might have missed the tragedy of our primary bathroom, DH managed to yanked the entire shower arm out of the wall our second night in the house.

Then the painter accidentally broke the toilet lid while he was painting the bathroom a couple of days later. He offered to replace the lid, but I declined. The previous owner is a tiny woman. (Seriously, she'd reach five-feet with hair extensions and an entire bottle of Aquanet.) And she had a tiny toilet. Which was killing both mine and DH's knees to the point where we didn't use it. I used the broken toilet as an excuse to replace it with a bigger unit.

And then both sinks and the garden tub developed leaks. I was beginning to think I was never going to use the primary bathroom as it should be used.

I put off getting the stuff in the bathroom fixed right away because the new grandbaby took precedence last year. Then we came home early from that when our basement flooded. And then,a couple of weeks into the new year, the dishwasher croaked.

Upon receiving our tax refunds, we called our plumber with the list of issues. She came out on Monday to take look so she could write up the estimate, but she was booked for the rest of the week and had vacation scheduled for next week. No problem, we said.

But she texted yesterday and said she could come tomorrow! Yay! I can finally use my purple bathroom!

Now, I'm off to get some editing done on a different book before I have to clean out the cupboards in the kitchen and bathroom.

May everyone's toilet flush properly and their sinks, showers, and tubs not leak!

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