
Monday, May 2, 2022

Pandemic Anxiety and the Modern Writer

Last night, I went out to dinner with DH and the family of his baby sister. We had a nice time despite an extended conversation about the FIL's current health issues. But the kicker was...

I didn't wear a mask.

Mask use has dropped off in our county. We haven't had any deaths the last couple of months. Omicron-B hasn't wound its through our area. And yesterday was the first time I didn't second-guess myself about mask-wearing while in public.

Heck, I even went grocery shopping after dinner and didn't reach for my mask.

It doesn't mean I'm ready for every public thing yet.

I originally had plans to go to the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas this month. However, I'm still not ready to fly on a plane yet.

Even in the pre-pandemic days, I often caught travel crud from a fellow plane passenger who was flying while ill. People seem to like sneezing and coughing on me. I don't know why, other than sheer rudeness.

So, no, you can't pay me enough to get on a place just yet. I'm going to stay home and type away on my laptop because it's one of the few ways I can stay healthy.

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