
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

PRH Takeover of Simon & Schuster Blocked

I haven't read the actual order from the judge yet, but the DOJ issued a press release Monday, stating they received their request for a permanent injunction on the Randy Penguin's takeover of Simon & Schuster.

So what does this mean?

As of right now, not much. Randy Penquin has requested an expedited appeal of the decision, which might go all the way up to the Supreme Court.

If Judge Florence Pan stuck with her same concerns she displayed during last summer's trial, her decision will focus on what authors are being paid to license their manuscripts and not what consumers are paying for the actual books.

So here's the conundrum for the Appellate and Supreme Courts--which rich people are they going to side with? The rich authors like Stephen King or the rich owners of Randy Penguin and the execs at Simon & Schuster who want their golden parachutes?

It ain't over yet by any means!

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