
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Winter Storms and Cozy Christmases

Bing Crosby didn't sing about a bomb cyclone for Christmas. But between blizzard conditions tonight and one of DH's sisters coming down with COVID, we will be spending a very quiet long Christmas weekend at home.

Heck, I'm even prepared for the possibility of not being able to pick up our Christmas order from Cinnabon in Lima. If the wind is as fierce as predicted for Saturday, ODOT (the Ohio Department of Transportation for those outside of the U.S.) will close I-75 and other north-south roads in our flat-as-a-pancake part of Ohio.

Drifting and white-out conditions are not something to laugh at here. An elderly couple froze to death in our county a few years ago after their car got stuck in a snow drift. The sad part is they were only yards from a house where they could have taken shelter, except they couldn't see the house or its lights in the blowing snow.

Anyway, I have extra flour and yeast to make my own cinnamon rolls if we can't go to Lima Saturday morning. I'm making sure all of our devices are charged. I've got paper books, candles, and lots of blankets if we lose power.

Frankly, I like the idea of just me, DH, and Princess Bella for Christmas. GK will be coming home on leave after the storm system has blown itself into the Atlantic.

Yep, this is the kind of holiday I can deal with.

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