
Friday, December 9, 2022

Writing thru the Holidays

There's so much pressure on people these days to have a perfect holiday that most folks forget to do a little self-care.

If you're not writing during the holidays, maybe you need to look at it as something other than an item to cross off on your to-do list. Look at it as a fun, private thing you do to keep your sanity.

Seriously, folks. This is part of how I keep my own blood pressure under control. In fact, my doc lowered my dosage twice since I started writing full time.

It doesn't mean you MUST write on your current wip.

Write a holiday story. Write a funny story for your kids. Write a poem for your significant other. Write new song lyrics for your favorite tune.

Or vent in your journal about how crazy your family makes you. (Been there. Done that.)

The point is writing should not be part of the load our society places on your shoulders. Writing should let you find a release from all that pressure.

If you think I'm blowing smoke up your ass, here's my holiday issues:

DH's dad and my mom passed away this year. We're hosting DH's sisters et al. for an early celebration tomorrow night. GK can't come home for Christmas this year, and he called last night to warn us that his leave for New Year's hasn't been approved. If it isn't signed off on by his commanding officer by today, GK won't be able to come home until last January/early February.

Now, I can bitch and moan. Or I can make things earlier on me. Like catering from Olive Garden for tomorrow night's dinner. Buying gifts cards or shop online for presents. Not too much I can do about GK's commanding officer, but I focus on seeing my kid and watching The Witcher with him when he does arrive here. Remind myself that things don't have to be perfect, something both my mom and my mother-in-law did every year, making themselves and everyone else miserable in the process.

And I can write for an hour or two after DH goes to bed. It's quiet, the tree is lit, and there's coffee with peppermint mocha creamer. It's an awesome way to end the day during this insane time of the year.

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