
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Deep in Proofing

Having started in corporate America in 1988, Microsoft products are embedded in my DNA. Yep, over thirty years before tracking devices were delivered to my bloodstream through vaccines.

(Just joking, folks. If you don't want to be tracked by corporations and the government, get rid of your damn cell phones!)

Anyway, I still rely on MSWord in my day-to-day writing. However, there's only so much spelling and grammar that can be programmed. And like any other programming, it can result in stiff dialogue. And since I write in English, the Autocorrect often goes spastic over names in other languages or new words that may have infiltrated English in only the last few years.

As a result, I've limited MSWord's Autocorrect function when I write. It's especially necessary when I work on the Justice series and its spin-offs. The Queendom of Issura, the main location of the series, is a blend of Chumash, Ertruscan, and Celtic cultures. Then add in Hawaiian, Dine, Hopi, etc.

Yeah, if Autocorrect were sentient, it would be yelling, "WTF, woman!"

What Autocorrect can't do is point out when I forget to add articles and prepositions in a sentence. Those are my biggest mistakes when I write. I hit the major nouns and verbs. Sometimes, I put in the wrong variant of an adjective or adverb.

This is why writers can't depend on any automated spelling check or grammar check programs. While these programs are helpful, they are not perfect.

That's why writers need to proofread their work or have a trusted person proofread the manuscript.None of us are perfect. Occasionally, we need some outside help.

And that's okay, too.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Dry Powder and Black Ice

There was a nasty three-car pile up near us last night. At the intersection of the township road our neighborhood sits on and a U.S. highway, the slush of treated snow turned to black ice. It didn't help that according to witnesses, one vehicle in particular was speeding and darting around other cars and trucks in a no-passing zone.

Yesterday's snow was dry powder. The kind that's good for skiing, I'm told. It's been blowing off the roof as the wind pick up this afternoon. We'll see how much more snow we'll get and what kind. The predictions have been all over the place.

Why am I talking about winter issues? Because the publishing industry is fracturing to the point where I'm not sure what's going to happen next. If anyone tells you they do, that person is lying their ass off.

The first lawsuits have been filed in regards to using artificial intelligence for creative endeavors. Where once creators were clawing back their right by tooth and nail, or sometimes even by lawsuits, artists are now selling their entire catalogs. Justin Bieber was the latest, though the one who surprised me was The Boss. Apparently, not even Bruce Springsteen could pass up a quarter of a billion bucks. (And no, that "B" as in billion is not a typo.)

I'm exploring the possibilities of expanding merchandise related to my books, from t-shirts to Tarot cards. It would mean setting up an online store. It may mean finally hiring an assistant. I could keep Angry Sheep Publishing a small one-person business, but even DH thinks I need to focus on the creative aspects and have someone else help handle the day-to-day functions.

Of course, he volunteered. However, he's still dealing with his dad's estate while working a full-time job. And we're not sure if/when he can leave a regular job because of the legislative threats to Medicare and Social Security.

With that lovely set of concerns, I can see why a seventy-three-year-old Bruce Springsteen sold his entire catalogue. How else is he going to pay for his and his wife's care for the next twenty or so years?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dude! Where's My Snow?

We were supposed to get a heavy snowfall here in northwest Ohio today. The forecasters were predicting four to seven inches.

We barely have an inch left outside out of the two that fell. Temperatures climbed above freezing, and I can hear snow melt dripping into the gutters. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed.

We had stocked refrigerator, freezer, and cupboards in case we were stuck at home for a couple of days. I even had plenty of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate for writing. I was ready for a cozy afternoon while watching the fluffy white stuff fall in the back yard.

This has got to be the weirdest January I've experienced in Ohio. Very little snow, and the majority of the days have been in the high 40's to low 50's. But it's exactly what the climate scientists were trying to warn us about thirty years ago.

Just a ruminating old woman here. Be about your business, folks.

Monday, January 23, 2023

First Snow Day of 2023

Sort of. We got a couple of inches yesterday, but it melted almost as fast as it was coming down. The National Weather Service has already issued a Winter Storm Watch for tomorrow and Wednesday in our area. 4 to 7 inches possible. DH is all excited about pulling out the snowblower.

For me, it means a couple of nice, quiet days to write and edit while the snow quietly blankets the back yard. I found a place that carries the same tea from my favorite restaurant in D.C.'s Chinatown. I may run to the grocery to get some more Irish Breakfast tea. Otherwise, We still have a fairly full refrigerator and freezer from when GK and the Grandpuppy were here for a month on leave.

So depending on the number of texts and phone calls I might receive, it looks like a quiet couple of days to get some stuff done.

Hang in there, peeps, and stay warm!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Skits from SNL I Love

Justin Timberlake's comedic timing gives the boys at SNL a run for their money.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Since I announced this through a Kickstarter update, it's safe to say it here. The first audiobook has been completed and delivered to me by the narrator for the Soccer Moms of the Apocalypse campaign. I need to finish reviewing it.

I've made some good strides in writing Death in Double Mocha since the beginning of the year. I've settled into a comfortable drafting rhythm for the first time in over a year.

This is part of the reason I'm not publishing much in the first six months of 2023. I want to get caught up on everything that slid out of control in 2022. And I don't need the stress of a full calendar while getting caught up on last year's releases.

Managing stress when you have one or more chronic conditions is the key to being truly productive. On one hand, I hate having to micromanage my sleep, my food, and my exercise as well as my stress levels. On the other hand, I want to continue giving you the stories you enjoy.

Because I enjoy writing them as much as you love reading them.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Readers, Writers, and Characters

Darling Husband finished A Hint of Thief last night. Of course, he found a handful of typos I missed. But more, he asked when some things will finally be resolved.

I looked at him. "You do realize I've got four more books to go?"

"Only four?" His expression was reminiscent of an abused dog.

"I told you there were thirteen books. This is Book #9"

"Yeah, but you could write some more if you wanted." More puppy dog begging eyes.

Honestly, I've asked a few readers what they like about Anthea. According to some early writing instructors, she's the proverbial unlikable protagonist. She's crabby, broken, and harsh.

DH says she tries to do the right thing. Another reader says Anthea puts on a front that everyone knows isn't the real her. But the general consensus is she comes across as a real human being, both the warts and the good stuff.

It goes to show that a writer never knows what's going to resonate with readers. Or which characters.

And I admit I'm toying with the idea of doing another series with Anthea and one with Shi Hua. I'm not ready to let go of these characters just yet.

What about you? Do you want more of these types of books?

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Friday, January 13, 2023

No Rest for the Wicked

I hit the ground running on January 1st. A hair over 22K written in the first twelve days of the year. This weekend will be spent editing three novels to get them upload on the various retail sites.

My Chinese restaurant tea arrived today. That will be put to good use over the next couple of weeks while I finish Death in Double Mocha. The next big task will be ordering the paperbacks and sending out the last of the Kickstarter physical rewards.

I probably could have done more, but Genius Kid and the Grandpuppy are here for only another right days. I want to spend time with them while I can.

There's time off in my schedule for 2023. Darling Husband and I hope to fulfill our road trip to the western U.S. The one we'd planned for 2020 that got bombed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I'll kick back with my tea and chocolate Long Johns and read a couple of stories writer friends sent me to look over. I can't think of a better job in the world!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Still Alive!

 Still trying to finish A Hint of Thief. Here's a picture of a cute puppy in the meantime.

Monday, January 9, 2023

When Dreams Go Dark

I read an interesting article over the weekend involving Richard Donner's opinion of Zack Snyder's version of Superman. Considering the two versions are at opposite ends of the bell curve, it's no surprising that Donner objects to Snyder's negativity.

Christopher Reeve's version is the movie I grew up with. It came out when I was thirteen. My dad took me and my sibs to see it when our mom was suffering from some medical issues in order to give her a little peace and quiet.

At this point, Superman was considered ultimate good. More powers than anyone should have. Practically, a god. But he did NOT kill. I admit it's an over-the-top fantasy.

For those of us who were kids in the '70's, movies like Superman and Star Wars gave the thing we sorely needed--hope. Our parents were losing their jobs due to an awful recession. Some of my friends lost their homes. Awful things were happening around the world.

On that level, I agree with Donner. Folks need hope. I know I did during the last three years of COVID pandemic. I watched and read a lot of old favorites. Positive things that gave me that elusive hope. Sure, some were action-packed and violent, but in the end, the protagonists did the right thing.

It's not that I have a problem with darker stories. Snyder's Sucker Punch is one of my all time favorites. But even with the terrible things that happened in that move, Snyder still ended on a tiny ray of hope. It wasn't the good guys doing the "real-life" killing, and ironically, the girls characters used fantasy as an escape from their terrible situation.

So when Snyder yells at the reporter to "Wake the fuck up!", I wonder what he's really thinking. Does he really believe that we want our heroes to be sick assholes? If so, do it with another property. Why does he feel the need to turn the DC superheroes into nihilistic versions of the themselves?

It's one thing to do an offshoot, like DC's Elseworld stories. But label them as such. But taking away Superman's innate goodness by making him a murderer isn't what a lot of people want to watch. Not with a major war in Europe, a pandemic that's still raging across the world, and the financial chaos caused by the war and pandemic.

That's how I look at my job as an entertainer. No one would want to read my books if the antagonists got away with their evil, shitty deeds. Even when crap knock my protagonists down, they get up and do the right thing.

And that's all we can do in real life, too.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Music I've Been Listening To

Craig Ferguson introduced me to these guys.

Friday, January 6, 2023

A Reminder

Since I've been getting messages:

- No, Death in Double Mocha has not been published yet.

- No, Kickstarter rewards for the Death, Tiger Sharks, and Oakfield Parents Association levels have not been mailed yet.

- No, Invasion! has not been published yet.

I'm still dealing with paperwork from my mother's estate. People do not realize how much documentation is generated when someone dies in the United States. My brother, who's the estate administrator, was shocked when I told him it would probably take six months to deal with everything, and our mother didn't have a whole lot to begin with.

The universe tossed one last grenade on the flaming pile of poo that was 2022 when GK's car was stolen on Christmas morning. Again, there's a crap-ton of paperwork involved, even though the San Antonio PD recovered his car.

I keep telling myself, at least I'm not in Ukraine right now.  But I totally understand the Ukraine soldier's response to the Russian demand for surrender.

2022 can go fuck itself, too. I won't surrender either!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

I'm Writing.


While eating breakfast. Yes, I know what time it is.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Planning for 2023

I spent the first hours of the brand new year planning out my tasks. 2023 will be my time to complete unfinished stories, get out the overdue paperbacks, and update the front/back matter of the already published books.

Updating links is a no-brainer. But after all the crap with Twitter in the last quarter of 2022, I can't even access my accounts. At my last check, they haven't been purged, but Twitter will no longer recognize my passwords. Any attempts to get an email link to reset them have failed. It's annoying as fuck, but it made my decision to walk away so much easier.

On the other hand, Greta Thunberg was already my hero. She should now be elevated to god status.

For the moment, I'm not saying when a particular ebook or paperback will be out. I fear jinxing myself after the turmoil of last year. Plus, I've lost my preorder privileges on Amazon. However, I will announce when links go live.

Could I get my preorder privileges back on Amazon? Probably. But I'm not going to try anytime soon because I need to get caught up on the writing, plus there's the aforementioned jinxing.

Not to mention, Alter Ego hasn't put out a book in a couple of years, so I need to finish a trilogy for her fans.

I've already got 1500 words for the year, and I'm going to keep chugging away this afternoon. I hope y'all feel refreshed and re-energized for the new year!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

May 2023 be kinder and gentler to all of us than 2022 was!