
Friday, January 13, 2023

No Rest for the Wicked

I hit the ground running on January 1st. A hair over 22K written in the first twelve days of the year. This weekend will be spent editing three novels to get them upload on the various retail sites.

My Chinese restaurant tea arrived today. That will be put to good use over the next couple of weeks while I finish Death in Double Mocha. The next big task will be ordering the paperbacks and sending out the last of the Kickstarter physical rewards.

I probably could have done more, but Genius Kid and the Grandpuppy are here for only another right days. I want to spend time with them while I can.

There's time off in my schedule for 2023. Darling Husband and I hope to fulfill our road trip to the western U.S. The one we'd planned for 2020 that got bombed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I'll kick back with my tea and chocolate Long Johns and read a couple of stories writer friends sent me to look over. I can't think of a better job in the world!

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