
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

AI Law

Even though I haven't practiced law in over a decade, friends like to send me legal article. Especially if the article deals with the rapid changes in the publishing industry.

My friend Angie sent this article from TechDirt:

Sanctions Hearing for ChatGPT-Using Lawyers Did Not Go Well


There's a lot of people using ChatGPT. I get it. It makes a lovely shortcut on a lot of different projects. But ChatGPT is not foolproof. That's why I don't recommend using it for drafting fiction, non-fiction, or covers.

I definitely wouldn't use it for practicing law! That's what Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw is for.

If I were the judge, I'd probably recommend disbarment for both attorneys. This kind of crap was inexcusable. As I've said before the legal profession MUST be held to a higher standard. The strength of our judicial system relies on everyone doing their job properly.

Don't get me wrong, folks. I love technology. Angry Sheep Publishing wouldn't exist without it. But it needs to be used responsibly and ethically. Luckily, no one's life depended on these two yahoos using tech correctly.

But what if it was your attorney using ChatGPT to argue cases using fake cites?

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