
Monday, June 19, 2023

International Business Woman

I had to get up four hours early today to talk with an artist about the special project I'm having her do to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Justice series. The artist is a UK ex-pat currently living in Bulgaria, so it's a seven-hour time difference between us.

Since this is the third painting, I think we're getting into a groove. I managed to send her pretty much everything she needed last night. She, in turn, had a rough draft to show to me when I logged in this morning.

It constantly amazes me how much work we can do over the internet these days. Freelancers can live anywhere there's a connection. Their customers can do the same. There was a time when mail would have taken months to go back and forth between the U.S. and Bulgaria. Heck, there was a time when it was nigh impossible for someone from western Europe to live in the old Soviet bloc.

I really love this new world!

My only issue is this artist makes the Twelve look damn sexy. I feel a little weird having hot gods though I really like the paintings. Maybe it's a good thing Balance is blind. LOL

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