
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Home Again!

There's a ton of markers in Boise and the rest of Idaho showing where the Lewis and Clark Expedition passed through lo, those many years ago. I won't bore you, but if you're a history buff, I highly suggest the trip.

The expedition had its difficulties passing through the high desert of the Rockies. On the other hand, their ankles didn't swell to the size of an elephant's by flying from the mountainous desert to the humidity of Ohio in July.

After yesterday's return flights and the two-hour drive home from the airport, I spent the rest of the day on my recliner, princess puppy in my lap, going through mail (both email and snail mail) from the last two weeks.

And I got up this morning, and I'm still going through stuff.

Some of it's fun, like the artwork for the 10th Anniversary Editions of the Justice series coming out in a couple of years. (I'll have maps!) Some of it, not so much. Like bills. *sigh*

However, I feel pretty good about how much I got accomplished writing-wise on this trip. Heck, I even went to a Starbucks and wrote for the first time since March 16, 2020, the day Governor Dewine issued the COVID-19 shutdown order for Ohio.

I'm in my recliner for a second day, the princess pup in my lap, and DH swearing up a storm in his office. Yep, things are back to normal at Casa Harden.


  1. ((Hugs!))

    Its been forever - but I'm a bit like a drunken mayfly - dizzy and not usually in the right mind or place. But I wanted to say hello again and send a hug or three, even if virtual. =)


  2. Hey, Dee! {{{Hugs}}] back atcha! I hope everything is good with you!
