
Monday, July 17, 2023

The Northwest Coast

It is interesting to me how different a body of water can sound in various areas of the world. I usually leave the window open when I stay at a beach. Each ocean and sea speaks a different language and has a different tone.

The Caribbean is laid back and easy going, and it whispers sleepily. The North Atlantic swears under its breath because the Gulf Stream left him for the cute guy in the U.K., and he takes his anger out on everyone.

But the North Pacific is the classic bad boy. He murmurs seductively, and you want to go with him even though you know it will end very badly for you.

The AirBNB we're staying at is a couple hundred feet about sea level, but within walking distance of the beach if your knees can handle the steep hike. Marvelous view in a weird alien way. Odd rock formations jut out of the swells.

My second favorite thing here is the temps. It's one thing to intellectually understand the chill air. It's another to enjoy. Especially since Boise was expecting a high of 106 when we left there yesterday.

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