
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Oversleeping and Book Thongs

I had to get up early Monday and Tuesday. Or course, my body claimed payment for the deficit, and though I went to bed at midnight, I slept nearly sixteen hours straight.

And the backup I started before I went to bed still wasn't finished because I forget to adjust the sleep function timer on the new laptop.

While the backup continued, I worked on another project. Eons ago, I broke a couple of my original Book Thongs. Book Thong, Inc., no longer exists. The broken book thongs got tucked into my sewing box. I found them again when I started organizing my sewing room.

And the lightbulb went off. Why don't I make some Egyptian god themed book thongs for my next Kickstarter?

I made the first one today, a scorpion for Lady Selket. Plus, I got half of my rabbit book thong rethreaded before I needed to make supper. I'll finish fixing the bottom half tomorrow and rethread the silver high-heel one that broke.

But today gave me the confidence I can make a bunch of book thongs for the next Kickstarter for The Books of Apep series. I'll mix them up for the gods and goddesses in the novels. My only problem is finding affordable charms for Nebet-Het (Nephthys) and Set.

I'll have to keep looking.

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