
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

It Has Been a Long-Ass Day

Yesterday, after I spent a good couple of hours of medical testing and a surgical consult, everyone agrees I need cataract surgery. After all the stress of tests, talking with the surgeon, and scheduling the surgeries for next month, I thought I'd be able to sleep in and get a lot of writing done today.

Didn't happen.

I woke up to Grandpuppy (yes, the gorgeous black boy in the picture) racing from window to door to window to door. Genius Kid sold his Jeep Liberty this morning to a family who made an appointment last night for 10 AM. So, Grandpuppy was all excited about new hoomans outside and then, his own hooman leaving. He didn't bark, but a 50-lb German Shepard-Staffordshire mix doesn't have a light footstep.

By the time that business was finished, I had checked my e-mail. One of my cover artists had questions about the two covers she's working on this month. I didn't have a chance to answer everything before we needed to take Grandpuppy to the vet.

Don't worry. He's fine. Genius Kid has been given so many new duties now that he passed his sergeant boards that he hasn't had a chance to get Grandpuppy to his regular vet. Plus, we're puppysitting Grandpuppy for the next two months, and I want to make sure he has his vaccinations since he'll be around Princess Bella.

After that, a stop at the pet store to get some more food for the Grandpuppy, a quick stop at the pharmacy for my prescriptions, another stop at the grocery store for a couple of ingredients for the homemade pizza Genius Kid requested for dinner, and a much needed trip through the Starbucks drive-thru for an equally needed pumpkin spice latte.

While the dough rose, I finished my answers to my cover artist, and the guys did a little car work. I put together the pizzas and put away the clean dishes in the dishwasher while they baked.

And now, it's 10 PM, and  I'm finally opening my current wip.

People often don't understand why I stay up until dawn to write and sleep through the day. Seriously, it's the only way I can get anything written.

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