
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Old People Yoga Is Killing Me!

I've started taking a yoga class here in town. Mainly, I'm taking it because I need SOMETHING to get me up in the morning besides Princess Bella's constitutional. Considering my age and lack of real exercise, the instructor I spoke with recommended a flexibility class for senior citizens. I don't feel like I'm that old. Really, I don't.

But with popping knees, stiff hips, and sore shoulders, I took her advice. I'm glad I did.

Holy Crap! Don't get me wrong. The class is totally worth it, but after the first one, my hamstrings complained up a storm the next day despite all the water I drank and the Naproxen I took.

The crux of the class is gentle stretching. Nothing extreme. I guess I'm a lot older than I want to think. LOL

On the plus side, I treated myself to breakfast and got some writing done at Starbucks after class.

I'm going to keep at it for the rest of the month. Hopefully, the class will get easier, and I'll be able to try something new in the next level.

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