
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Bitchy Sisters-In-Law, a Long Weekend, and a Comedy Show

It's been insanely busy around Chez Harden lately. DH has been working the day job full time, doing the timekeeping for the high school lacrosse teams (who just finished their season) and our semi-pro football team the Flag City Phantoms (who started their season a month ago), and trying to wrap up his parents' estate despite things still popping out of the woodwork.

I figured it was time for a break this coming weekend. DH planned to take Friday off to deal with a certain investment company, which is making him jump through a bunch of hoops to release the money due to the estate. He contacted the attorney for advice on how to deal with this particular entity, and she gave him suggestions of what to try first before wasting money on her fees to go medieval on the investment company's ass.

Only for DH to get texts from his two oldest sisters that essentially accused him of mismanaging the estate assets. This despite the fact  he updates all the sisters about what's happening on a regular basis. This despite the fact that in Ohio, the probate judge must approve everything before ANY disbursements can be made to the heirs.

The irony of all this is (1) I used to be a probate and estate planning attorney and (2) my own parents died during the same five-year period as DH's. It took fifteen months to wrap up my parents' estate, and they didn't have half the assets my in-laws' had for DH to deal with.

Even better, one of the sisters wants DH to do something illegal with the estate's money.


I am so glad we have tickets to see comedian/actor Michael Rapaport this weekend with some friends. We might even squeeze the new comedy IF is the theaters. Anything to cheer up my man.

Yep, we definitely need a break from life.

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