
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The AI Problem

I've been thinking long and hard about the use to AI in our society. Frankly, it's up there with PLR (AKA Private Label Rights). It's a cheat.

People have spent years perfecting their skills in the arts.Working hard. Finding their voice. All in order to provide something unique to society and culture. But now, anyone can create something by stealing the work of those artists who put in the time to learn how to paint, write, sculpt, etc.

To quote Dr. McCoy, "According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis! We'll do it for you in six minutes!"

And as Dr. McCoy feared in The Wrath of Khan, humankind overstepped themselves. The Genesis planet destroyed itself in the sequel.

The Marcus team took shortcuts to provide the Federation with a faster way to terraform planets. The Klingons feared Genesis would be turn into a weapon. They were  both right and wrong at the same time.

Does any of this sound familiar?

To further exhibit Big Corporations' plans for AI, Apple recently aired a commercial where all artists, scientists, and well, all of humanity are crushed between the two parts of a laptop. It's not a comforting feeling.

My laptop cannot make the perfect chocolate chip cookie. It cannot conceive of mixing chocolate and cinnamon because that's something Mexican abuelas would do, and AI carries white male biases.

Give me a damn robot that will clean the bathroom for me, so I have more time to create! I want to come up with new cookie recipes. I want to sew outfits for my OOAK character dolls. I want to write stories.

AI is taking away our fundamental humanity by taking away our imaginations. So, no, I don't agree with it. My inner McCoy says this is a very, VERY bad idea.

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