
Friday, June 7, 2024

Getting My Second Wind

There's been a lot of things going on in Casa Harden since January. DH is trying to finalize his dad's estate. GK is about to deploy overseas, and some things needed to be taken care of on our end. I've been trying to unpack boxes on a regular schedule. And with the early spring thanks to climate change, the flowers and weeds went crazy around the house.

I'm still playing catch-up on that last one.

Needless to say, I haven't spent as much time with my butt in my chair and my fingers on the keyboard, producing new words. (BICFOK) Usually, living in Northern Ohio means snow into March and sometimes April. I stay inside with hot tea and Princess Bella sleeping on my lap. I show have 150K new words 

Instead, I have 33.5K.

I don't expect to catch up. That a fool's goal, and I'm not driving myself into a heart or stroke trying, But I do have some specific writing goals, and I will focus on those over the rest of the summer.

I hope the rest of 2023 will be more sedate and productive.

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