
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Attempting to Get Back into the Groove

July's Camp NaNo started Monday, but I've barely gotten any words in on any of my projects. Part of it is that I'm still recovering from the ravages of the four-day trip to my immuno-compromised body. Part of it the errands we need to do before Genius Kid heads to his next duty station.

Like getting the Grandpuppy's vaccinations up to date. Getting the cars unpacked. Washing up everything that was covered with dog hair. Figuring out storage places for the household items that won't be going to the next duty station because it's a short-term assignment.

Over the next few weeks, we'll need to register the rest of GK's vehicles in Ohio. Get Grandpuppy officially licensed in our county. Find GK an appropriate laptop for travel. Change GK's phone plan so he can make international calls. Obtain a few items compatible with the electric system where he's going.

I'm still teetering on the edge of exhaustion. Picking up my prescriptions, a card for this weekend's wedding of one of DH's cousins, and some fresh veggies for tonight and tomorrow night's dinners wore me out.

Tonight's my writing groups free night because one of our members works the late shift on Wednesday. Normally, I write anyway, but I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake.

Will I finished writing one freaking book this summer? Yes, but I refuse to kill myself doing it.

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