
Friday, August 16, 2024

A Quiet Blog

Yeah, I know I haven't posted for a week. I forgot to post music last Saturday because DH and I could FINALLY go see Deadpool and Wolverine.

Readers: But, Suzan, why didn't you blog about Deadpool? You love Deadpool. You won't shut up about Deadpool! Where's our Monday Movie Mania?!

Yeah, I know. However, no sooner had I exited the master bedroom on Monday morning, I was accosted. My phone. My computer. My husband.

I expected the dogs. Honestly, I rather have my face licked than deal with all the crap I've had to do over the last three days. It didn't help I had to stay awake until four a.m. two nights in order to talk with one of my cover artists. Unfortunately, she lives in Bulgaria. She's working on a special project for me, so the discussions were necessary.

The craziness spilled into Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'll hit a new coffee shop to hide, er, write for a while. It's the only way to get new words in.

Don't worry. I don't plan to stop blogging. I've got a list of topics. Including two new Monday Movie Manias. Yes, we went to see Twisters this week, too. It was DH's sweet way of apologizing for scheduling me to announce at a couple of high school before I had a chance grab any caffeine.

That was my only rule for my staff when I practiced law--don't accost me until I've had my first cup of tea.

Unless there's a judge on the phone.

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