
Thursday, January 30, 2025


After a lot of thought and consideration, I've pulled the link to Neil Gaiman's blog from my reading list.

To say I'm disappointed in his behavior is an understatement. I'm not against kink. However, I do believe in safe, sane, and consensual protocols. There's some big questions on all three parts in his relationships with women.

To me, here's the bigger problem. As a former attorney, it's been drummed into my head that public servants not only can't do anything improper, but we need to avoid the APPEARANCE of impropriety as well.

Granted, Gaiman isn't a public servant. No non-government celebrity is.

However, there's one thing in this whole mess that bothers me--why did Gaiman abruptly leave New Zealand at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic?

If he and his wife had a simple fight, and with the amount of friends Gaiman has, why not make other arrangements in New Zealand rather than flying halfway around the world and possibly contract or spread a deadly disease? Why leave your child alone like that?

To me, this is a HUGE appearance of impropriety on his part. Worse, it was damn irresponsible given conditions around the world at that time.

It's bad enough all these women are telling the same tales about him. It also saddens me that his actions have affected a large number of people that had nothing to with any sexual behavior on his part.

The current adaptions of his writing are being cancelled thanks to the current controversy. Hundreds of people are employed to make a television series. Now, all those people will also be out of work because of Gaiman's stigma and lack of foresight.

Today, I received an e-mail notice from a Kickstarter I supported nearly two years ago--a graphic novel of Good Omens. There were a ton of people working on this project, including Terry Pratchett's estate. Now, some backers (I don't know how many) have asked for there orders to be cancelled and want refunds.

In the notice, the Pratchett Estate said Gaiman would not be getting any funds from this Kickstarter. I hope Colleen Doran, the artist for the project is paid in full because her artwork I've seen so far is absolutely stunning.

None the less, I'm sad to say the Good Omens graphic novel will be the last Gaiman-related product I will purchase. I've loved his work since I picked up my first copy of the Sandman comic in 1988. There's been a lot of talk among fans regarding equating the artist with the art. Gaiman is a great writer, but when someone fucks up, they need to make things right with those they fucked over. Reading his so-called apology on his blog makes it sound like he's only sorry he got caught.

I don't think I'm holding Gaiman to some unachievable standard. We're all human. We all fuck up. But he does need to fix his problems--to his family and to those he wronged.

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