
Friday, January 3, 2025

Getting Back into the Writing Groove

I took time off from writing over the last two weeks of 2024. I felt like I was flogging the proverbial dead horse, and I needed some time to refill the creative well.

In that vein, I've watched new-to-me movies, some Christmas favorites, and an action thriller that will be added to the holiday canon. I've read a lot lot of space opera in preparation for a writing class I will be attending this month.

So, I felt refreshed when I started writing on New Year's day. I haven't made my target word-count numbers the first two days, but I'm doing better than I did most of 2024.

My only problem is I really want to start on the War of the Witches series. New projects always make the Subconscious rub her hands with glee. However, I've got other books planned and promised that need to be finished first. Therefore, I'm splitting my time in order to please my readers and my inner child.

I'm working damn hard to keep a positive mindset. Part is my desire to break out of the cocoon depression had me wrapped in since October. Part is the need to be strong for what comes next in our society. The hate flows strongly in the U.S. and around the world, and the next four years aren't going to be pretty.

I just hope my stories keep me and my readers going through the oncoming storm.

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